
At the Urganch State Pedagogical Institute, applicants' documents for the following directions for the 2022-2023 academic year have been accepted.


60112100 - "National idea; the direction of "spiritual foundations and legal education",

60111700 - "Russian language in foreign language groups" direction,

60111400 - "Uzbek language and literature" course,

60111300 - "Music education" course,

60111200 - "Fine arts and engineering graphics" course,

60111800 - "Foreign language and literature: English" course,

60112200 - "Physical culture" course,

60112300 - "Technological education" direction,

60110200 - "Preschool education" direction,

60110100 - "Pedagogy (teacher of supplementary education)" course,

60110500 - includes the "Primary education" direction.


New courses are expected to be added in the next academic year 2023-2024